Research and Development
These Dishwashing Tests Show AQUALIC™ FN-001 is Effective at Removing Dairy Stains
In recent dishwashing tests, we have demonstrated that even a small amount of our AQUALIC™ FN-001 is highly effective at cleaning dairy stains, solidifying its role as a high-performing and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional chelating agents.
During these tests, we evaluated the performance of AQUALIC™ FN-001 versus nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) and sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP). We placed a mixture of margarine, skimmed milk powder and flour on a glass plate and then heated the glass to 130°C for 10 minutes. Afterwards, we measured the cloudiness of the glass plate after washing it with an ADW machine. Check out this summary of the results:
NTA Versus AQUALIC™ FN-001 — Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) 400ppm Base Formulation
Test results and before/after photos of the glass have shown that AQUALIC™ FN-001 maintains much higher transparency — i.e., less spotting and less filming — on the glass by preventing scale stains, even at one-tenth the dosage of NTA.
Appearance of glass plate (in order): 1. NaOH; 2. NaOH + NTA; and 3. NaOH + FN-001.
STPP Versus AQUALIC™ FN-001 — NaOH 100ppm Base Formulation
Test results and before/after photos of the glass have shown that AQUALIC™ FN-001 has much higher cleaning power than STPP — even under low alkali conditions.
Appearance of glass plate (in order): 1. NaOH; 2. NaOH + STPP; and 3. NaOH + FN-001.
To learn more about AQUALIC™ FN-001, enter your email below to download our technical document and safety data sheet.
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